BLOG: Respiratory support
Scientific research and many experiences around the world show that essential oils can provide great support in relieving coughs and colds. Hopefully it might take a while for the cold and rainy season to start. However we can certainly prepare ourselves for the coming season and strengthen our bodies.
Purifying the air quality
Dry air (humidity of less than 35%) would increase the risk of respiratory infections in the winter period. One of the simplest ways to increase and maintain a higher level of humidity is to use your diffuser. Together with your essential oils, floating bacteria and fungi can be combated, which not only ensures higher humidity, but also better (pure) air quality (Yang H. et al, 2012).
If you would like to use your diffuser for this, use essential oils with a high level of monoterpenes. Monoterpenes are hydrocarbon compounds that are found in different parts of the plant and are a major component of the essential oil of this plant. They often provide the specific scent of the (essential oil of the) plant and have a strong antiviral, antibacterial and often also expectorant effect. Examples of these essential oils are:
- Pine oils, such as Black Spruce, Cypress, Pine and Siberian Fir.
- Citrus oils, such as Grapefruit, Lemon, Neroli, Orange and Tangerine.
In addition, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Thyme are also great essentials
oils to use, due to the high content of 1,8-cineole, which appears to have a strong anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect (Juergens UR, 2014).