After a sunny period, it is important to take good care of your skin and nourish it with a fine (body) lotion. Add a touch of essential oil and maybe a little mica powder for that extra summery shine!
A digital scale, two heat-resistant glasses, a (sauce) pan in which these glasses can stand, a (digital) thermometer and a milk frother. Optionally a little alcohol to disinfect your jar or bottle.
💡 TIP: Use demineralized water instead of tap water. Demineralized water is free of negative ions and pH neutral, so no unnecessary bacteria end up in your end product.
💡 TIP: To protect your product even more against (in) visible fungi, yeasts and bacteria, add a preservative. In the webshop you will find the organic Cosgard , also known as Geogard® 221. Add a little bit to your homemade care product and it will be protected for a long time.
💡 TIP: Vary with your essential oil. Do you want to make a lotion that especially smells nice, or do you want a lotion that also has a certain function, for example relieving muscle pain. Adjust the choice of your essential oil accordingly.
💡 TIP: In the recipe above, the water base consists of only demineralized water. You can also vary with hydrolates , for example think of rose water for extra care of the skin.
It is very important that you use 100% pure essential oils and that you are well informed about which oils you can take responsibly and which oils you cannot take.
There is a potential interaction between medications and essential oils, including a potentiation of drug side effects. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. Pay particular attention to a (possible) pregnancy and when using blood thinners, which essential oil is safe to use. Special guidelines also apply to children. Consult a qualified physician for this.
This information has been compiled with the utmost care. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent diseases, or to replace medical advice from professional doctors and medicines. Anyone suffering from any illness or injury should consult a qualified physician.
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